Tuesday, 18 November 2008

What a Brute

So, I have been speccing as Monstrosity, purely because another marauder in my guild was using it and getting huge numbers. I find though that the downsides outweigh the positives.


You ain't never gonna kill anyone
You need to put yourself waaaay too close to a huge number of people for it to be any use


Lots of pretty numbers!

So...I decided to take a look at the three different trees and decided that I quite liked Brutality, don't get me wrong I still have a special place in my heart for Savagery and will most probably spec back there at some point at R40, but at the moment I think it requires more teamwork than the average PuG will be able to supply.

So Brutality it is then and here is the spec I came up with. My Spec

Obviously this is a R40 setup and Im currently only R21, but everything scales down.

Corrupted Edge Because seriously, who doesn't want an extra 320 Str and Int
Unstable Convulsions Because this apparently removes HoTs and any other advantage they have.


Guillotine This is a huge damage boost at the point where healers usually figure out whats going on finally
Mutated Aggressor This is going to give me 25% damage? Sign me up!
Concussive Jolt This one may seem a little strange with the others but a two second knockdown is pretty powerful, specially if you are trying to chase them down, I'm more than happy jumping between different mutations as the need arises but this one doesn't even require me to leave the brutality tree. A win/win as far as I'm concerned.

So yeah, there is my 0/19/6 Marauder tree, hope it works and hope it doesn't change too much whenever this 1.05 (1.06 now?) patch arrives.

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