Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Respec Again

Respeccing is cheap, baby.

I've done it again and respecced to a 0/7/18 Brutality build. Well thats where it will be in theory once I've finished.

WTF? I hear you ask. That is correct a build that uses Gift of Brutality but only has 7 points in it. Here's my reasoning.

Actually, lemme show you my proposed build first.


Now, I've put lots and lots of points into Monstrosity and the reason for this is that it scales better for damage than Brutality, but I need Brutality active to get the huge Strength bonuses.

I intend with this build to use Flail as my main attack and then Guillotine when they are below 50% health. It is very much a burst damage build.

The main reason for the need to be in Brutality spec rather than Monstrosity is Corrupted Edge, 160 Strength translates into roughly +32.0DPS on a skill. Waaaaay more than you would ever get by just putting points into the tree. Also Ferocious Assaults Str is increased by 75, which equals roughly an extra 15DPS more than filling out the brute tree. In addition to making Flail itself (a more versatily skill than Impale) more powerful.

The main advantage here is that loads of the Monstrosity attacks are buffed by the Monstrosity tree (obviously) but are still useable whilst using Gift of Brutality.

The Main ones I'm focusing on are Flail (damage anywhere anytime) and Ferocious Assault (more damage? more survivability? yes please!)

So my attack pattern with this setup would be.

(Just Before Combat)
Ferocious Assault

(Just entered Combat)
Thunderous Blow

(When they hit 30% health)

The question here is why I don't use Guillotine earlier, well the thing is that a healer has morale heals and if they see a huge drop all of a sudden they tend to use it so I like to try to kill them with Guillotine so as there isnt a heal pulled out of the healers ass at the last minute.

But yeah, using Gift of Brutality and Monstrosity Spec seems, with a little light theorycrafting to do more single target damage than Brut/Brut or Monst/Monst

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