I hit Chaos Ch22 Reikland last night to finish off some quests, and up till now the PvE, barring some stupid mistakes or the odd badly timed wandering mob has been EZ mode.
Like I said, I hit Ch22 and got my ass handed to me, again, and again, and again. The mobs patrol, are R41, they all seem to be linked and it's a 15 minute ride back if you die! Along the road of doom! I felt like I had been repetedly analy violated.
Seriously it was like banging your head against a brick wall.
On the other hand, I did get my new axe, the Slasher, after about three and a half hours and it is awesome and I love it to bits, but only after I got a guildy to come help me out. (With the getting, not the loving!)
Annihilation Epic quest for a decent weapon ladies and gentlemens!
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